Monday, September 30, 2019

Flowers for Algernon †Qualities That Surpass Intelligence Essay

Flowers for Algernon, is a classic novel written by Daniel Keyes a young mentally challenged man named Charlie Gordon. This book chronicles, from a first person point of view, Charlie’s mental and physical struggles and achievements after undergoing a breakthrough procedure that is hoped to render him intelligent. Throughout the book, much of the focus is on Charlie’s academic progress while his emotional and personal development is not much of a concern. This becomes a problem because Charlie realizes that it is important to demonstrate qualities other than intelligence to lead a life that is oth happy and successful. Qualities shown to be more important than intelligence in Flowers for Algernon are: patience, kindness and respect. Throughout Flowers for Algernon, patience is often shown to be a more important quality in character than intelligence. Starting from the beginning when Charlie was still mentally challenged, people never seemed to be patient with him. If they had taken the time to get to know and understand him they would have seen that he had a good heart and genuine personality. This also applies to our everyday life. We must be patient and try to understand others before we begin to judge them. Charlie also demonstrated the negative consequences of a lack of patience when his intelligence began to surpass that of those around him, â€Å"I was afraid it would come to this, but I have no patience with her now. I’m jealous of every moment away from the work- impatient with anyone†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Keyes 295). You can clearly see that due to his lack of patience with anyone around him, he is in a state of upset and distress. That is how patience is shown to be more important than ntelligence in this novel. Kindness is another quality shown to surpass intelligence in order of importance in Flowers for Algernon. Simply being kind to others can get you far in life and change others views and opinions of you in a positive way. This is shown when Alice tells Charlie what made him such a great person before he had the operation, â€Å"There was something in you before. I don’t know†¦ a warmth, an openness, a kindness that made everyone like you and like to have you around. † (Keyes 122). Being kind makes both yourself and others feels good. While everyone may not be able to solve an algebraic equation or understand Shakespeare, we can all interpret, accept and appreciate kindness in all its forms. This is why kindness is shown to be a more valuable quality than intelligence in Flowers for Algernon. A third quality shown to be more important than intelligence in Flowers for Algernon is respect. Everyone wants to be valued and respected and when you behave in this way towards others, it is often reciprocated. Everyone should learn to respect each other for who they are and not try to change them. Each person is an individual with their own thoughts and feelings and we can not change them. In the novel, a bakery employee stresses the importance of respect when the other workers make fun of Charlie, â€Å"He can’t help what he is†¦ but for God’s sake, have some respect! He’s a human being! † (Keyes 199). Charlie also often feels that he is not being respected as a human being and that he is just being treated as an experiment. This has a negative impact on him and also demonstrates the importance of respect. Those are the ways that respect is shown to be a ore valuable quality than intelligence in this novel. If one looks between the lines in the novel Flowers for Algernon, they will interpret many messages and take away valuable lessons from it. One of which is that there are qualities that are much more valuable and important than intelligence. The qualities that are shown to be more important than intelligence in Flowers for Algernon are patience, kindness and respect. By possessing and utilizing these qualities a person can lead both a happy and successful life and better the lives of those around them.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Globalization & Getting a handle Essay

We cannot overstate the effects of the trend of globalization on our thinking, culture and the media. From the television ads and shows, our style of dressing and the way we converse and communicate with each other in our own country and people from overseas. What is this phenom that we call globalization? How does it affect us now and in the future? What are its benefits as well as its drawbacks? This paper will try to put a body, a face if you will, on the globalization trend. II. DEFINITIONS: Globalization refers to† increasing global connectivity, integration and interdependence in the social, economic, technological cultural, political and ecological spheres. † It can also be defined as a â€Å"comprehensive term for the emergence of a global society in which economic, political, environmental and cultural events in one part of the world quickly come to have significance in other parts of the world†. Now basing from the definitions given, it can mean that globalization can come to mean a trend toward the interconnectivity or interdependence on one another even if we are in two different places. This is its basic concept that is to establish more and better lines by which the world can be bought together in ever increasing ways and means. Now for the questions on how this trend affects the media industry, we can just take a look at the Internet. This system is ready at hand to connect different peoples and cultures with the touch of a button, as it can connect us more swiftly rather than the traditional modes of communication. III. THE EFFECTS ON THE FILM, RADIO AND TELEVISION INDUSTRIES: The entertainment industry have focused their energies on the larger overseas markets for the sale and the promotion of their current offerings, movies, radio shows, television shows have already become a staple in some countries that these have seemed to replace the local industries for the share for the slice of the local market in that country. At the core of the entertainment industry-film, music, television-there is a growing dominance of U. S. products. It can be seen in most parts of the world, products such as KFC, McDonalds or Coca- Cola just to name a few of the transnational companies doing business in other nations aside form the local market. These companies shop around other countries that have lower costs for doing business, thus spurring the local employment and talent pool from those countries to adapt their educational and training pools to the needs of the incoming foreign investors. Some companies, for example, America Online and Time Warner merged to form AOL Time, matching AOL’s Internet businesses and Time’s massive holdings in media, entertainment and news concerns. More and more of these companies ten to look overseas to promote their products and services abroad. But while the trend is focusing on global interconnectivity, that in our modern day environment, time and distance are a negligible factor in terms of dispensing media to other parts of the world. According to Professor Kalyani Chadha at the Philip Merill College of Journalism; â€Å"While popular rhetoric suggest that we live in an increasingly interconnected globalized world in which time and space have collapsed and media experiences are increasingly uniform, the reality is often different†¦ Media systems in different countries continue to be characterized by significant differences in press and broadcasting laws, business and economic structure, access to technology and to nature of journalistic practices, resulting often in variations in both content and perspective. † In a nutshell, it is saying that what may be true and acceptable in other countries and regions might not be acceptable, even palatable in some others. The difference may stem from the traditional as well as the cultural background in the country itself or in some belief system that this particular society holds. But in the discussion of the trend of globalization, the problem herein lies in the fact that in the march for interconnectivity, some of these traditions might have to give way. IV. EFFECTS ON CULTURE: The Webster’s Third New International Dictionary defines culture as the â€Å"the total pattern of human behavior and its products embodied in speech, action and artifacts and dependent upon man’s capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations† Thus, cultural globalization can thus be defined as the worldwide cultural standardization. Also, it can refer to the postcolonial culture, cultural pluralism and â€Å"hybridization†, or bringing two or more cultures together to create a new one. In the picture of globalization, we must recognize that the global view will effect the change in the cultural standings of some nations. In the long run of things, we must be resigned to the fact that some of these traditions must give way. Remember that globalization is linked to affecting the global community concept, a â€Å"global village†, if you permit the phrase. ( Marshall McLuhan popularized this belief to highlight his observations that an electronic nervous system ( the media) was rapidly integrating the planet—events in one part of the world could be experienced from other parts in real-time, which is the human experience was like when we lived in small villages). In this â€Å"village†, everybody was with the same beliefs and held to the same traditions, at least most of the time. But in the set up of the globalization concept, those beliefs and traditions sometimes, if not most of the time, have to give way to the establishment of a unified set of beliefs from a strong or stronger source. That is cultural hegemony, wherein the stronger or predominant influence will produce ways of thinking and seeing, and especially eliminating alternative views to reinforce the status quo, meaning the status quo of the more predominant influence. Some people fear a loss of cultural diversity as U. S. companies become dominant. Such companies tend to â€Å"bundle† their products, meaning they ship their products in wholesale form. Movies, television shows audio products all come into the local market and compete with the local industry, thus competing for the attention of that market. These tend to replace local alternatives. This would explain in part the prevalence of the media especially the visual media to promote their advertisements in other countries without thinking of the sensibilities that the ad might be offending. Video games and television games flash ever more violent images that seem to engross kids from many nations that were not ready to absorb these kinds of media. All day long, hey would sit in front of the television and just either stare at the monitor watching these violent shows and absorb the values of the characters of the shows’ characters or sit endlessly at video games and get in to the violence that these game icons display. Local culture and social culture are now shaped by large and powerful commercial interests that earlier anthropologists could not have imagined. Early anthropologists thought of societies and their cultures as fully independent systems. But today, many nations are multicultural societies, composed of numerous subcultures. These subcultures are present and very visible to us, in the forms of food, clothes and even in the places that we often frequent. Rarely do we don’t see that in any of the places that we go, there is not one member of these subcultures that we don’t come across. And we tend to borrow these things, if you will, in the way that we prepare our food, the way we buy our clothes and shoes and other accessories, in our choice of products that seem to satisfy our craving to be what the television stars portray on camera. The values that seem to be displayed out there want to look like them, that we can somehow imitate the way they look to be what these companies want us to believe to be acceptable. People are therefore more biased in the products that they purchase or services that they get for themselves so the image that is bought in to them are to look like the people they see. The transnational companies can manipulate the way that people think of themselves also by making us think that standards have to be met in order for us to be acceptable, or part of what is acceptable in the eyes of the global society as a whole. In short, they dictate what constitutes the â€Å"good life†. For example, if you don’t have a certain kind of piece of clothing such a shirt or pair of sneakers, you’re supposed to feel left out of the loop. Or, in the case that you still wear a shirt that is not in fashion, and this is still dictated by the multinational companies abroad, you’re still going to be left out. Or if you don’t drive a certain brand of car or model of that car, it’s an antique they’ll say. In many instances, this trend of cultural globalization tends to make us want these companies say that we have to be to be happy. From whatever the products or producers say, is what we have been conditioned to think, that these are the keys to be living it up. It is argued that one of the consequences of globalization will be the end of cultural diversity, and the triumph of uni-polar culture serving the needs of transnational corporations. Hence, the world drinks Coca-Cola, watches American movies and eats American junk food.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Progressive Discipline

When we say progressive discipline it is about the mental and moral training  or the order/instruction in group or organization.  In organization concerned with identifies and getting the â€Å"right† king of a  attitude and behavior from people as individuals and groups. Organizations and work  relationship will change significantly in the future. Most of the time, though people of  an organization must determine for themselves what is right and wrong. In the  determination of what is right and wrong which moral judgment is all about. The  judgment form a development sequence which are prudence, authority, equality and  equity. To displayed in abstracting moral principles from specific regulation or  concrete situations. It includes for dealing with conflict of interest, confidentiality of  organization information misappropriation of corporate assets, insiders, contracts,  privacy, etc. It might spell out penalties for violation of the guidelines.Penalt ies can  include such actions as termination, suspension, probation, demotion and oral  reprimand. Although not every organization puts its order or policy into writing, it is  usually advisable to do so. The need for written policy is urgent.  For the achievement and success of Progressive discipline in the organization  is the development of character, behavior and attitude (moral values). It includes the  sense of duty, willpower, loyalty, responsibility, perseverance and positive attitudes.In responsibility the fulfillment of obligations to the society that surround the  organization. The organization’s obligation is to promote the common or social goal.  Responsible projects is beneficial to the organization (enlightened self-interest or  utilitarianism). It reap benefits for everyone including the organization itself. (Loyalty  will be generated) Other duty approach being moral obligation of organization like  caring for and meeting the needs of ot hers concern. Meaningful organization direction  in areas can be attain only through effort and perseverance.  For example the corporation’s commitment to customers, employees,  shareholders and to the corporation. Commitment to customers begins with a state  obligation to provide quality products, service innovation technological  responsiveness and customers satisfaction.The commitment to employees provides  the environment for professional growth while encouraging individual creativity and  responsibility. To the communities being served to strive to improve the quality of life  through participation in community services. This commitment promises resource  utilization and the observance of laws and regulations.  The basic unit of human behavior in the workplace is the individual. When  someone goes to work for an organization, an agreement occurs ( to provide certain  knowledge, skills, energy & abilities in return for salaries, wages, benefits and other  rewards). As a result of this exchange, both the people and organizational needs are  met. The needs of individuals and the methods used by organizations may change  some through the years, but the same general contracts continues.The degree of initiative of people show toward the accomplishment of their  organization’s goal is another factor that seems influenced. Initiative can be thought  of as action taken without being urged to do so. In the ideal organizational setting, the  people act responsibly without prompting, in pursuing organizational goals and  standards.The realities of life in an organization quickly learn and develop that consists  of values, norms and attitudes of the people who make up the organization. Several  characteristics including structure, support, performance, conflict, risk, attitude  toward change, focus, standards and values, concern, openness, commitment,  teamwork and others.The organization’s goals are e stablished and reviewed through the  participation of all individuals and groups in the organization. The group behavior  standards or norms to which members are expected. The initial efforts of action  planning and action implementation concentrate on changing personal attitudes and  habits of organization al members. Such changes affect the habits and attitudes of  group of people. As the groups are developed and integrated, organizational members  become more capable of dealing with structural, technical and operational problems.  It may work with groups rather than with individuals.Therefore, the development of the mind , the behavior and search for the truth  people as thinking and discipline can inspire to wisdom by improving not only the  way they think and act but also the quality their ideas and behavior. Break away from  the chains of ignorance, greed or apathy. All ideas are open to challenge. In the future  as change continues to occur we expect to see organizations respond. Department and  agencies within an organization maybe initiated to be social beneficial.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Election Commerical Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Election Commerical - Research Paper Example The narrator repeats the words â€Å"strength†, â€Å"restraint†, and â€Å"leadership† as he introduces Reagan to the viewers, and juxtaposes Reagan with President Carter in order to show a contrast in their policies. â€Å"Peace is lost when such strength disappears,† says Reagan, as he goes on to describe his perspective on negotiating with the Soviet Union, and finally claims that â€Å"hope, confidence, and facts† are at the heart of his strategy. â€Å"The time is now,† concludes the narrator. â€Å"Reagan for president.† The feeling the video gives is split. In the opening sequence, it shows images of worrying foreigners, while the narrator speaks ominously over the droning of an air raid siren. The viewer comes to feel a sense of concern as the narrator repeats the word â€Å"slowly† while naming off conflicts that the US has been involved in, starting with Korea. It then shifts focus, using a condemning tone while menti oned countries where Carter’s foreign policy has be ineffective—â€Å"Angola, Ethiopia, and Afghanistan.† This shift in focus does not outwardly suggest that Carter is to blame for the Iranian hostage crisis, nor that he will lead the US into another war. However, it surely invites the viewer to make that connection based on the flow from describing future risks to the current leader’s shortcomings. The video then transitions into a scene of Ronald Reagan giving a speech, then a television interview. This is where the mood splits, and suddenly the video presents confidence and reassurance, indicating that Reagan is the man with the answers to the problems that Carter presents. The Reagan half uses live quotations and conveys future hope and strategies, focusing on Reagan as the answer. The context of this video is a chaotic political environment, where President Jimmy Carter, the incumbent, was mired in the details and faced with a critical opponent who w as quite aware of all his faults. Ronald Reagan was the two-term governor of California and former actor who faced-off against Carter in 1980. He had a fiscal reputation that would give him great appeal during the inflation problems of the time, but also used his charisma as an actor to be a confident, strong, and effective speaker who could engage listeners and convey his messages with success. While the economic issues were forefront in this election, and his plans for dealing with them well-developed, the Iranian-hostage crisis unexpectedly dominated public opinion as 53 Americans were held in captivity over the course of a year in the American embassy in Teheran. Possibly increasing the strength of his ballot, Reagan selected UN Ambassador George H.W. Bush as his running mate, and the focus of the race shifted greatly to what the Reagan-Bush ticket could do for America’s relations abroad. What was most important in 1980 was indeed US foreign policy, and this is the primar y area where Carter experienced stress and criticism. Carter’s approach to foreign policy was humble and restrained, which may have been perceived as weak by some. This perception of weakness increased during the Iranian hostage crisis. Carter staged a failed rescue attempt of Americans held hostage in Teheran in April of 1980, and as a result, Americans at home grew frustrated. Elizabeth drew is quoted in a description of the political atmosphere as saying "Fairly or not, [the hostage crisis] came to symbolize the question of whether Carter was a leader, whether he was competent, whether he was strong." The issue of who could keep the peace and who was likely to let it slip away caused the election to be very close by October 1980 (Jimmy). The Iranian hostage crisis led to a severing of relations between the United States and the newly formed Islamic Republic of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Is there wage rate discrimination in the government today Essay

Is there wage rate discrimination in the government today - Essay Example This draft paper seeks to create a general outline of the main paper that will establish if there is any wage rate discrimination in the Canadian government as well as make several recommendations as to how to best tackle the problem. In this section, the economic theories affecting wage rate discrimination will be critically analyzed and various assumptions that are made by these theories will also be established. Some of the economic theories of wage rate discrimination that will be analyzed include: The theory of Competitive Market: This economic theory predicts equal pay being paid to equally productive workers. This theory makes the assumption that the level of discrimination in a given labor market is measured by using the ratio of the majority wages to those of the minority wages in a labor market. This theory makes the assumed hypothesis that for different labor markets, the levels of discrimination are greater if the monopoly levels are also greater. It therefore follows that empirical investigations could possibly be conducted to help in the quantification of the relationship that exists between discrimination and competition. This could potentially aid in the estimation of the increase in the ratio of majority wages to minority wages as the competition in the given market is increased (Cain, 1984, p. 11-12). The Theory of Wage Determination: This theory is seen to specify the existence of a positive relationship between some of the assumed causes of worker productivity such as training and education in a given labor market and the wages received. Empirical studies on the prevalent relations between wage/productivity relations for the majority and minority groups have concentrated on attempting to discover the possible sources of wage discrimination that exist as well as the provision of cost/benefit information that can essentially be used in the

Explain how inbound logistics, conversion operations and outbound Essay

Explain how inbound logistics, conversion operations and outbound logistics converge to provide intergrated logistics - Essay Example rations involves several essential elements of a business such as production management, information flows, transportation of goods, warehousing, inventory control etc. Handling such activities with precision has become inevitable for the companies to gain competitive advantage over their competitors and strengthen its market positioning. It covers several operational aspects of a business, such as order processing, distribution of goods, as well as packaging which are essential for the timely receipt of raw materials as well as delivery of the finished products to the end users. Logistics can be defined as â€Å"The process of planning, implementing, and controlling procedures for the efficient and effective storage of goods, services, and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements. This definition includes inbound, outbound, internal, and external movements1.† While the business dictionary defines logistics as â€Å"planning, execution, and control of the procurement, movement, and stationing of personnel, material, and other resources to achieve the objectives of a campaign, plan, project, or strategy. It may also be defined as the management of inventory in motion and at rest.2† Michael Porter’s Value Chain Model3, is an essential tool that helps in analyzing the various activities through which, the firms across the industry, seek to create competitive advantage. This model involves a series of support activities which are shown in the following diagram: The basic idea behind this model is to depict the various activities that create value to the organization which should be far greater than the cost involved in providing the product or service, hence creating a substantial profit margin in the process. These activities are explained through the case study of the â€Å"Bombay Dabbawalas† (Lunch box carriers from a city in India), a six sigma operation, recognized as a

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Quality Management as a Global Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8500 words

Quality Management as a Global Issue - Essay Example Such issues require an organizational change initiative and have mostly been undertaken by the private sector, or at least research suggests so. However, not much research is available on the extent that public institutions have implemented quality management. The health-care sector in Saudi Arabia is a very vital sector where quality is a critical issue. Quality health care is a basic human right and based on this principle, Saudi hospitals to have joined the movements towards quality management. They expect that such a strategy would help to overcome organizational deficiencies amidst shrinking budgets (Al-ahmadi & Roland, 2005). Total quality management (TQM) is one such management practice that can help improve health organizational performance. There is no universally accepted definition of TQM and varies across researchers and philosophers and quality experts. Nevertheless, it has been considered as a philosophy for managing organizations (Hill and Wilkinson, 1995; Dean and Bowen, 1994) and most agree on certain core TQM concepts (Waldman, 1993). These core concepts include: 4. Involvement, support and guidance of senior management demonstrating their commitment towards TQM along with the importance of leadership necessary to achieve successful TQM (Johnson, 1990; Juran 1989; Waldman, 1993); Ho and Shih (1999) conducted a review of the works of quality proponents. This study revealed shared principles and certain assumptions of TQM commonly shared by all. The authors surmised that a customer-centric approach is essential to achieve TQM. This implies that both the products and the services should be customized to meet the customer needs and expectations. To meet the long-term objectives of organizational success, a customer-focused approach is essential. The authors also found that process improvement should be an ongoing process in the organization. This principle is based on  the two-fold argument: a) ongoing quality and process improvement lead to customer satisfaction and b) in the long run high-quality products and services have proven to be cost-effective as the resources required are less than for an inferior quality product.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Leadership Interview Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Leadership Interview Paper - Essay Example or the final round of the interview was the main part of the selection process as it aimed to analyze the leadership quality of the interviewee and evaluate his leadership knowledge implementation skill. Leadership is a quality of a human being by which he or she can effectively control a group of people or situation. It is a tough ability which affects the behavior of any human being for accomplishing a mission. It is the quality to influence or motivate single or a group of people to go ahead towards the assigned goal and achieve the goal. All these can be summarized as that, a leader is simply someone who has the ability to create a path and lead others to follow it. So without any experience no one can be a leader i.e. he should have comparatively better knowledge from others i.e. the follower then only he can lead a group of people. A leader needs to have some essential previous experiences to become a leader and that would be very helpful to develop the leadership style of a person. One is working in a team as well as leading the team by the knowledge and skills and proper understanding of group dynamics. To lead a team or group of people who are involved in similar kind of work, the person or group leader needs to have better knowledge of and expertise on the particular work than other team members. It is only then that he or she can guide or lead the team and can motivate the members to go forward to achieve the assigned goal effectively. Second important experience that a leader needs to have is protesting against an unfaithful and unethical happening and encouraging his followers to do that as well. If a person is guiding a group of people the person can be called a successful leader only when his or her followers follow his positive or negative path of direction to achieve the goal. Positive path refers to the working of a group together to achieve a set target which can be either a company target or, a long term project or it can even be a

Monday, September 23, 2019

Non Specific topics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Non Specific topics - Essay Example Then all the exports in the domestic area are added. It is a fact that income equals to spending or savings is equal to investments. This, however, does not imply that at all times there is enough spending such that all of the economies’ resources are fully employed. Even in fulltime employment, where employment is the investment spending there is still more room for extra investments in the economy. In an injections-leakage model, on one side there are injections. These injections will include non-consumption expenditures on an aggregate production. Investment, expenditures, exports, and government purchases are the three injections. They are known as injections since they are inputted/ ‘injected’ to the circular flow of production, consumption, and income (Bade, & Michael, 2002). The other half of the model is the leakages. They are non-consumption uses coming from income production generates’. The leakages are imports, savings, and taxes. They are taken out of the circular flow hence the term leakages. Equilibrium in this model will be dependent on the balance existing between injections towards the core of the circular flow and leakages. If they are equal, the core circular flow’s volume will not change. When this two are equal, equilibrium exists. In the measuring of national income, there is a need to understand some limitations that will come with it. National income accounting will not measure the social welfare but the domestic economic performance. However, there is need for there to be a strong relationship between the two. National income measure will understate transactions in social welfare- non – market. In national income measures, there is no accounting of changes in the quality of product and increase in variables like work satisfaction (McEachern, 2012). It has also been suggested that per capita income is a superior measure of standards of living compared to the total national income In

Sunday, September 22, 2019

If I Were A Bird Essay Example for Free

If I Were A Bird Essay If I were a bird! As a little bird-maybe a nightingale or an innocent dove-if I were born on this earth, I would have been very happy. As a nightingale, I would be adored by the people for my sweet songs. I would have built my tiny nest on the top branch of a tree. My nest would give shelter to me and my brethren. From the top of the tree, I could see the greenery of the fields, the flowing rivers and the far horizon. In a storm, my nest would be swung to and fro, without being detached from the tree. I would pass my life, living in that nest in summer, monsoon, or winter. A free bird I would have been, without any burden of thought or tension like that of the human beings. I would fly to any part of the world, and watch various lands and people and their way of life, their joys and sorrows, their failures and successes. From high in the sky, I would watch the broad river flowing like a thin stream, and a stream like a line of white thread, and on the railway lines the wagons and compartments like match-boxes, and also the trees and fields jinn reduced sizes, as are drawn on the pages of a picture book. After landing on the ground, I would settle on a tree pear a park in order to watch downward the innocent children playing gaily on the green lawn. A bird with two strong wings, some day I could fly to a fairy land and see many strange things that I cannot even imagine now. As an aero plane flies to distant lands, or as the migratory birds cross the oceans and mountains every year to reach distant lands to settle their temporarily, I would have also travelled to an unknown land and migrate there for a Couple of months along with other species of birds which are rare in my native land. That would have been, no doubt, a strange experience for me. As a human being in this birth, I have very little scope to visit distant lands and meet new people and know how do they live and behave. But as a bird, it could be my sweet will to fly easily to any place I liked. My wings would carry me any where that my mind would desire. As a nightingale, I would sing happily, when at night there was the full moon in the cloudless sky, and cool breeze blew creating soft waves on the faces of the paddy plants. I would sing to my hearts content the song of life and joy in praise of this beautiful earth and of God. If I were a bird, I would like to be one of the small species, cute and beautiful. I would love to be a tiny mania that is beautiful, tiny and above all, it is a bird that man can keep as a pet. I would love to stay with men, study their ways and enjoy their company. This I would be able to do with men as, God have given the mania a power of speech just like men. It talks like a human being, has a sweet voice and, above all also has a great capacity to learn whatever it is taught. If I were to be a bird, I would like my life to be a beautiful blend of freedom of flying in the high skies and the love and care given by man. I see advantages in both and find it difficult to make a choice. My ambition as a bird would be able to fly high as high can be, like any other bird. This would give me an insight into what all exists in the atmosphere. I would also be able to assess first hand, the life of birds as a community, the advantages and the disadvantages they live with. I would share my experiences with my kin and understand the difficult ways of life. I would attain knowledge of lives of birds big and small as I would move with them and conversing with them while flying high in the air, or sitting on trees with my other colleagues. Though I would love all this, at the same time I would love to become a pet in a nice family. This family would keep me closed in a cage lest I fly off. Here, in the family I would learn to be controlled and restricted. It would be no doubt a punishment of sorts to be tied down in a cage but I feel so happy imagining the love and care I would get from each member of the family that would adopt me. Here, at home, I would be served food in a platter, water in a dish in a right royal style. Aha! What a life that could be for me. Hunting for food and being frightened of bigger birds attacking me would not be a care for me. I would be a loved one of many – what a wonderful feeling it gives. While living with a family I would also be able to learn about the ways of men. How many lives, how he behaves, and what his attitude is towards birds I would be able to understand first hand, being so close to man. I would thus also get an insight into all this. Together with all these advantages, living with human beings, my art of talking like a human would get encouraged and I would get several chances to talk to the family. I understand man keeps manias and parrots just for this art of these birds, of talking like men. My master, mistress and some small children of the family would teach me how to speak and what to speak. Once I would get the training to speak, I would be able to chat with each of the family members and guests. This would earn for me heaps of praises by all who heard me. This I say because I hear a mania has a very clear and sweet voice, and a capacity to talk like a human. If I were a bird, I would like to get the blessing of this combination to be set into my life. It would give me a healthy and relaxed sojourn in a family, together with free visits to the sky, trying out my skills of taking high flights. The two together would give me as if, the best of both the worlds, of birds and humans. Oh! God, please grant me this life, that is, if I am not asking for too much.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Causes And Effects On Street Children Young People Essay

The Causes And Effects On Street Children Young People Essay Street children Introduction:- Also Street children as defined by the UNICEF: is divided into children on the street and children of the streets. Children on the streets are the children whose have home to live in, but they have a full time work or a part time work. Children Of the streets are the children whose home ties have been seriously weakened and who essentially live in the street (UNICEF, 1993, p.22). Children of the streets are which lives all there time on the streets or in other words children with no shelter except for the street. Also, a street child is defined as any boy or girl for whom the street in the widest sense of the word has become his or her habitual abode and/or source of livelihood, and who is inadequately protected, supervised, or directed by responsible adults( Lusk, 1989).according to Kopoka Children whose work on streets and take streets as a shelter, usually come from poor slums and squatter settlements where everything is precarious: Family financial situation, overcrowded schools and even safe place where they can run and play. Moreover, wars or armed conflicts cause the increasing of this problem where the children parents are killed and leave them alone with no shelter or place to live . On the other hand, there are children whose have guardians, but the guardians sent them to work to help the family, others are forced to work and live in streets. Even there are children from well to do families or middle class who run away from homes. The purpose of this essay is to show some of the causes and its effects considering street children problem, and analyse the solution to differentiate between good solution and bad solutions. Causes:- According to Lugalla and Mbwambo, 1995; there are lots of causes for this problem, some are natural and others are man-made. Children have lost contact with their parents or families, which results the loss of the children in the streets. Some children are the offspring of prostitutes. Some families reject their children if there are handicapped. Some respectable parent disowned their own child because he/she is an outcome of an affair. In those causes the background is not allows poor. Effects:- According to Harding, 2010; for every cause there is effect, and there are devastating effects on street children themselves and on the society they belong to. The children without education are without future, which means that they will not be able to defend their future and they will face lots of difficulties to have a better life. Moreover, being undernourished from such a very young age causes bad side effects on their health like malnutrition which effects there immune system and as a result shorter life expectancy. There are approximately 48 million young ones whose are not registered in their countrys archives, which represents around 47% of the child population around the world. 20 out of every 100 births in Latin America never registered. That mean that all of those 47% are not on paper which means they do not exist. This is a huge problem as those poor kids do not have identity, which exclude them from other right like the right to vote or the right to have a proper educati on or even low level education. Moreover, criminal gangs which really represent a huge disaster, as they use those unregistered children to do criminals and violence. Those children have no criteria to know what is right and what is wrong. They may expose themselves to very cruel situations like prostitution, sexual violations, drug consumption and other forms of modern slavery. According to Street children in the third world, having no access to basic needs always become an easy prey of flesh traders. The demand of street children is high among the pimps and the brothel owners because these children sell themselves at cheap rates. These children are at high risk because they neither use contraceptives nor ask the clients to use them. Thus the chances of getting pregnant or catching a sexually transmitted disease is high. A finite circle is problem, because when children grows to be adults. They will be the best shape for crime; there will be evil walking on his feet. There will be individual illiterate adults with low moral beliefs, with damaged psychology. Those lovely poor children in the past will be the evil which will oppress other helpless and innocent children. All of this means that street children of today will be criminals of tomorrow. Analysis of Solutions:- Street children are a huge problem and any solution, even if it is not good, it will at least push forward to solve this problem. ESCWA has developed good solutions which are 1. to understand better the situation of street children through research in the following areas: 1.1 Quantitative data at national level to assess the magnitude of the problem. The statistics need to be disaggregated by sex and age. 1.2 Qualitative and quantitative research to examine the root causes that put girls and boys at risk, among them street children. This research will need to examine the link between poverty, inequality, exploitation, violence and exclusion. 1.3 Qualitative research to examine the everyday lives of the street girls and boys and the attitudes of society and the government towards them. 1.4 Policy level research examining the effectiveness of existing policies, planning and legislation and institutional arrangements and budgetary allocation targeting street children. 2. To shift the approach to street children from legalistic to preventive, protective and rehabilitative interventions, through a focus on: 2.1 Root causes and not only on symptoms 2.2 The economic and not only the social sector 2.3 Mainstreaming as well as specific institutions and actions for street children 2.4 The rights of street children as citizens and not as charity cases or delinquents 16 2.5 Street children not only as victims but also as citizens with the agency to participate in decisions which target them. 3. To enforce and monitor all international and national commitment to children 3.1 To review that all items of international conventions such as those pertaining to childrens rights and elimination of child labour are translated into legislation and other procedures. 3.2 To review that all enforcement procedures are in place and are implemented. 3.3 To strengthen all monitoring and reporting systems relating to relevant international conventions. 3.4 To review and further amend the Child Law 126/2008 by removing all clauses that undermine its effectiveness and to put in place all the necessary procedures and monitoring mechanisms. 3.5 To review and amend articles pertaining to corporal punishment in a way that prohibits all physical violence whether at home, school, work or any other institution. 4. To establish clear mandates and lines of institutional responsibility for street children 4.1 Strengthen crossà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ cutting entities 4.1.1 To strengthen the establishment of a unit or department in the new Ministry for Family and Population with a clear mandate for responsibility for street children. This entity would be a catalyst advocating, legislating and monitoring the situation of street children. 4.1.2 To review and strengthen the role of what was previously the NCCM Technical Consultative Committee. 4.1.3 To strengthen the Child Protection Committee according to the amended Child Law through appropriate budget allocation, establishment of clear guidelines and protocols and awarenessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ raising and training for the committee members. 4.1.4 To establish surveillance system such as a childrens Ombudsman 4.2 Establish responsibility of line ministries 4.2.1 To strengthen the role of economic sector ministries in addressing poverty, such as the creation of jobs for poor women and men. 4.2.2 To strengthen the monitoring systems of the Ministry of Labour in the area of child labour. 4.2.3 To lift all exclusionary conditions from access to education such as the rising cost of education, forced private tuitions by teachers, mistreatment of poor children in schools, corporal punishment and gender discrimination. 4.2.4 To establish effective internal and external mechanisms and multispectral interventions to identify children at risk and design suitable and sustainable interventions to reduce and eventually eliminate the risk factors. 4.2.5 To formulate a new Social Protection Strategy with the full collaboration of all relevant state institutions and NGOs that focus on the rights of the 17 child, with a dedicated budget and clear roles and responsibilities for its implementation and monitoring. 5. To devise a comprehensive child protection system that addresses the issues of all categories of vulnerable girls and boys in all their diversity of age, class, religion as well as family and regional background 5.1 To devise a Social Protection policy for vulnerable girls and boys. 5.2 To devise a Social Protection strategy translated into crossà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ cutting and sectorial programmes and projects and procedures. 5.3 To create realistic budget lines for the implementation of the various components of the Social Protection system. 5.4 To create clear institutional responsibility for monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the strategy. 6. To devise a National Strategy, programmes and projects specifically for street children 6.1 To evaluate the implementation of the National Strategy for the Protection, Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Street Children of 2003, as well as all programmes and projects directly targeting street children. 6.2 To build on lessons learned and design a new Strategy in collaboration with key state institutions and NGOs. 6.3 To design innovative and participative programmes and projects that address the conditions and circumstances of children already living on the street taking into account that: 6.3.1 There is more chance of succeeding by helping children get off the streets through early intervention, before they establish their new street kid identity. 6.3.2 For those who have been a long time on the streets, it is possible to use participative methods and consult them in the design of the most effective activities. 6.4 To strengthen all programmes and projects that helps the reà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ integration of street children into mainstream society. 6.5 To put in place actions that address negative attitudes of both the general public and state employees towards street children. 6.6 To work directly with the police to address the way they perceive and treat street children 6.7 To solicit more resource allocation for items listed in recommendation 5 above from government and from bilateral and multilateral organisations. 7. To strengthen the advocacy role of civil society organisations working with street children 7.1 To strengthen CSOs ability to establish channels of communications with street children and to help make their voices heard. 7.2 To raise the capacity of CSOs working with street children in the area of advocacy and lobbying of policyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ makers and politicians. 7.3 To support civil society networks and strengthens their roles as advocates of the rights and needs of street children. Conclusion:- At last the author believes that street children are a huge problem that has a lot of causes which can be minimized and a lot of effects that are considered a real threat to all means of life, it is waste of man power which harm economy, it threats security and of course it is totally against human right .